Like the particles in a linear accelerator, they are crazy musicians that crashed into each other and the energy released was in the form of power funk dance music. The SugarSnap recipe: melt some funk and dance together, pinch in some disco, stir in vodka and add sugar. Turn up the heat and watch the party erupt. The motto: If it ain’t fun, it ain’t SugarSnap. There are four SugarSnapee’s – Poison Ivan (vocals), Sasha BAM (guitars, vocals), Dr. Disco (drums, tom-foolery), and Q-Funk (bass, vocals and whatever else is left). SugarSnap was born under a disco ball with a jam called Love Me Baby – a song that popped out of nowhere and was instantly contagious. This energy quickly fuelled the recording of the next string of funk-a-long jams and there was no turning back. Soon the concept itself developed its own brain and SugarSnap AI started driving the bus. Blissfully naive, the four funksters boarded that bus unaware that it had no brakes. There is only has one pedal and it’s labelled: GO! So, raise your vodka, put on your shiny dance shoes, and forget whatever you were thinking about. SugarSnap will take care of the rest, including making that body move and putting a ridiculous grin on your face.